Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Acts 2:42

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42

I would like to post a different prayer verse each day but I know how these blogs are. You start out really enthusiastic but as the days go on you tend to lose some steam. So, I will attempt to keep the verse of the day up to date but don't get upset if it does not get updated every day. I may have to change it to the verse of the week. We shall see.

I chose today's verse and actually named this blog based on this verse because it is the verse that our Community Groups at 1.21 Church plan our month of small group meetings around. The first week of the month we concentrate on the apostle's teaching, the second week on fellowship, the third week on the breaking of bread and the fourth week's emphasis is prayer. Of course we do some of all of these things each week but we put special emphasis on one of these four areas each week.

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